Natural Fabrics
An eclectic collection of Natural Fabrics ranging from Classic Hessian through to Osnaburg. With many sourced from the UK we are proud to support local specialist weaving mills with the range. - Natural fabrics are superb for adding texture and depth of colour to your work. Many also make superb material for dye projects, again giving a depth that you don;t fin with your 'standard' dyeing fabrics. - Although the fabrics below are totally natural we do also stock other natural ranges which for one reason or another fall under a different banner. The prime example is Klona Cotton Block Colour Cotton Fabric. If you have any queries or are struggling to find a particular fabric please feel free to Contact Us at any time.
Pure Silk Fabric | NoilIn stock
Pure Silk Fabric | PajIn stock
Calico | Pre ShrunkIn stock
Artists CanvasIn stock
Linen Union FabricIn stock
Osnaburg FabricIn stock
Hessian Fabric 40" WideIn stock